Every day your teeth hold up to the efforts of eating, drinking and possibly recreational sports or unintentional accidents. When this regular, daily attrition is combined with natural aging processes, your smile can begin to stain and may even acquire cracks or other damage. For those of you who have begun to notice a change in your smile’s appearance, shape, function or feel, we encourage you to visit Big Timber Family Dental for a smile evaluation with our dentist.

During your time at our practice, Dr. Kelsey Fraser and our experienced team will make sure to understand your goals for your oral health. It is important to know how you expect your smile to look and function as well as how healthy you want it to be for years to come. All these attributes allow our team to envision your treatment plan and lead you to a smile that lasts a lifetime. So, for some patients, we may recommend porcelain dental veneers in Big Timber, Montana.

With the application of dental veneers, your smile is immediately enhanced and improved according to your desires. In addition, this service can be provided by our dentist in just one visit! To learn if porcelain veneers are a solution to your dental imperfections and to experience personalized and caring service, contact us at 406-932-5919 today.